Spinal joints that are “locked up,” fixated, or not moving right can affect your health by “choking” or irritating nearby nerve tissue. Chiropractic adjustments add motion to these stuck areas. This helps restore nervous system integrity and can improve the healing process.

There are many ways to adjust the spine. Sometimes the doctor’s hands deliver a quick, highly accurate thrust. Or an instrument directs a repeatable force to a fixated spinal joint. Other times a slow, constant pressure is used. Some chiropractic doctors use special tables with moving sections. Several areas of the spine may be adjusted, or just one.

Chiropractic Adjustments

The key is to use a precise amount of energy. At the exact spot. In the right direction. At just the right time to get spinal joints moving again. Chiropractic is truly an art. Your chiropractic doctor has become a master at one or more adjusting techniques.

Just about anyone can get adjusted. Newborns, infants, children, seniors, and even failed back surgery patients can benefit. Naturally, your doctor tailors your chiropractic care to your size, age, and unique health problem.

What do adjustments feel like?

After the brief thrust, many patients report a sense of well-being or calmness. Others feel improved mobility. Inflammation or muscle spasms may delay these positive effects. Chiropractic doctors excel at making adjustments comfortable and effective.

Are adjustments safe?

Yes. A New Zealand government study concluded that chiropractic adjustments are “remarkably safe.” Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever is about 100 times riskier.

Will adjustments make my spine too loose?

No. Only the spinal joints that are “locked up” receive adjustments. This allows weakened muscles and ligaments to stabilize and heal.

What makes the sound?

Lubricating fluids separate the bones of each spinal joint. Some adjusting methods can produce a sound when the gas and fluids in the joint shift. It’s much like opening a soda can or removing a suction cup. The sound is interesting but isn’t a guide to the quality or value of the adjustment.

Can I adjust myself?

No. Some patients can make their joints “pop,” but that’s not an adjustment! Even your chiropractic doctor must consult a colleague to benefit from chiropractic care.

Safe and Natural

Chiropractic is a team approach to better health. As you enjoy results, tell those you love. Explain how millions enjoy relief and better health by restoring the integrity of their spine and nervous system with safe and natural chiropractic care.

Automated Flexion Traction is a chiropractic treatment designed to provide patients with an alternative to invasive back surgery. This therapy often serves to improve circulation and ease nerve tension, alleviating pain and discomfort in the back and neck. In addition to its value as a pain management therapy, automated flexion traction often improves range of motion and posture.

Automated Flexion Traction

Used most often in the treatment of disc injuries, spinal decompression is a non-invasive therapy in which distraction forces are carefully and precisely applied to a patient’s spine with state-of-the-art medical technology. Spinal decompression aims to gently separate the vertebrae, creating a vacuum between the targeted vertebrae and relieving painful pressure. This effect often leads to the retraction of a patient’s bulging/herniated disc.

If you may be a candidate for Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy, please call today to schedule your consultation.

Spinal Decompression

The McKenzie method comprises a series of assessment, treatment, and prevention strategies in which the patient is centrally involved in the treatment process. Patient education is a key component of the McKenzie process, so the patient may perform exercises on their own to treat their disorder without visiting the practice as often as they otherwise would. In addition to self-treatment exercises, the patient learns preventative exercises to fend off future discomfort.

McKenzi Procedure

A non-invasive alternative to surgery, long-axis traction uses gentle distractive forces to combat various spinal disorders, including disc issues, sciatic pain, and lumbar pain. The body experiences improved blood circulation and increased nutrient delivery to the afflicted area through careful spine decompression. Long-axis traction often results in better muscular support in the back and neck, which helps prevent the injury from recurring.

Long-Axis Traction

Manipulation Under Anesthesia is a non-invasive procedure that has proven especially helpful for patients with acute or chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Still, it may be a valuable therapy for treating other spinal disorders.

The patient is induced into conscious sedation or “twilight sleep” so that the practitioner may perform adjustments to their body that might otherwise be prohibited by a poor range of motion. M.U.A. routinely provides patients with noticeable relief from pain and discomfort, improved circulation, and increased range of motion.

This specialized treatment is especially popular among patients who no longer respond to conservative care.

Manipulation under Anesthesia

The board-certified chiropractic physicians at Spinal Rehab and Wellness Center have extensive experience in spinal manipulation and chiropractic adjustment. Our team routinely uses spinal manipulation to alleviate back and neck pain, increase the range of motion, and improve general wellness.

Spinal Manipulation