Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Treatment
DRX 9000
The DRX9000 was designed by a specialized team of engineers at Axion Worldwide to meet the needs of today’s patient, offering physicians the clinical outcome they desire and patients the quality of life they deserve. With Axiom’s focus on innovation, they are committed to utilizing the latest cutting-edge technology to improve the quality of life for those suffering from herniated discs, degenerative disc disease and other back ailments. Their expert team consists of engineers who designed for NASA and the US Department of Defense.
With a majority of the population experiencing back pain at least once in their lifetime, lower back pain is the most common ailment facing healthcare providers today. In the past, physicians were faced with limited resources for successful treatment. With the age of technology and the low success rate of surgery, patients have become more educated about alternative treatments for back pain relief. This changing trend is evident by the billions of dollars spent each year on alternative healthcare.
Throughout the development and manufacturing process Axiom has continued to make exhaustive efforts to ensure the hardware and software. Scientific proven techniques were at the core of the creation of the DRX9000.
FAQs by Patients Regarding DRX9000
What causes low back pain?
Low back pain can be caused by a number of factors, from injuries to the effects of aging. The spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae, which are made of bone. Between each vertebra are soft discs with a ligamentous outer layer. These discs function as shock absorbers to protect the vertebra and the spinal cord. Many of the problems that cause back pain are the result of herniation and degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Degeneration is a process where wear and tear causes deterioration of the disc. Herniations, or bulging of the disc are protrusions from the disc that press on surrounding nerves, causing pain or numbness.
If I undergo DRX 9000 treatment, how long does it take to see results?
Most patients report a reduction in pain after the first few sessions. Typically, significant improvement is obtained by the second week of treatment.
How long does it take to complete DRX 9000 treatment?
Session times are between 30-45 minutes, daily for the first 2 weeks and 3 times per week for the following 2 weeks. Though, the number of sessions may vary depending on the severity of the condition.
What is the success rate of the DRX 9000 treatment?
Extensive clinical testing has proven the DRX 9000 to achieve up to an 86% success rate in treating herniated and degenerated disc with less that a 4% recurrence rate of your problem.
Do I qualify for the DRX 9000 treatment?
Since I began using the DRX 9000 spinal disc decompression unit, I’ve been inundated with questions from both doctors and patients as to which cases it will best help. Obviously proper patient selection is essential to favorable outcomes, a complimentary consultation is recommended so you make the right decision since not everyone qualifies for the DRX treatment.