Medical Therapeutic Massage Therapy

What is TMT?

Medical therapeutic massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissue (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to enhance a patient’s health, wellness, and overall comfort. It dates back thousands of years to ancient Chinese culture and has remained at the forefront of non-invasive tissue treatment since its creation. TMT is not a spa massage.

There are dozens of variations of massage therapy, also often called modalities. Patients may begin massage for treatment for a number of different reasons, some of which include:

  • Reduce pain

  • Reduce stress/anxiety

  • Rehabilitate injury

  • Relax muscles

  • Work towards better overall health

What are the Different Types of Medical Therapeutic Massage Therapies?

How Can I Determine Which Modality Best Suits My Medical Therapeutic Massage Needs?

A good starting point in deciding which type of medical therapeutic massage therapy you would like to pursue is determining where your pain might stem from and what initially caused that pain. For instance, sports massage therapy could be the right option if someone hyperextended an ankle while jogging.

While starting by figuring out the source of your pain is a great start in seeking the proper massage therapy, it is crucial to see a specialist to investigate further and make an educated assessment on what therapy modality will be best for treating your pain.

At the Spinal Rehabilitation and Wellness Center in Dumont, our certified massage therapists incorporate a vast array of massage therapy techniques to give our patients individualized care based on their needs. We understand that when it comes to massage therapy, each patient is different in what type of treatment they need and how their treatment is applied. Knowing that there are so many variables, we take our time to ensure that we are treating each patient efficiently and effectively.

The benefits of choosing our massage therapy are endless. Patients feel relaxed, at ease and experience pain relief for some time following treatment.

Book your massage therapy appointment now!