Physical Therapy

Since 1991, the team of physical therapists at Spinal Rehab and Wellness Center has been guiding patients through the rehabilitation process safely, quickly, and effectively. Our offices are home to some of the most state-of-the-art physical therapy equipment available today, while our certified therapists provide patients with personalized Physical Therapy programs that are tailored to their individual needs.

Individuals suffering from acute back or neck pain need immediate relief along with a treatment plan to prevent the problem from becoming chronic.

At Spinal Rehab of New Jersey, manual hands-on therapy is always included in your treatment plan.

Those recovering from injury or surgery require a rehabilitation regimen. All back patients have concerns relating to when—or if—they can resume regular activities, the amount of effort required, how much additional discomfort they must endure, and what limitations they might face when therapy ends.

Physical Therapy at Spinal Rehab of New Jersey offers short and long-term solutions.

We begin with a thorough assessment and diagnosis of what the patient can and can’t do, then create a treatment and rehabilitation plan designed to provide relief and return the patient to everyday activities.

Short-Term Relief with Physical Therapy

As soon as possible after the injury, surgery, or onset of acute pain, our skilled therapists employ various short-term methods that decrease inflammation, reduce pain, and increase comfort and movement to help the patient start a full-fledged rehabilitation program.

They include:

  • Ultrasound. Painless high-frequency sound waves help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote the healing of muscles and soft tissue.

  • Hot packs. The application of heat can reduce stiffness and aid circulation.

  • Electrostimulation. The use of electrodes on the skin can block pain and stimulate the nerves and muscles.

  • Cryotherapy. Ice applied to the skin can lower the temperature below the surface to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

  • Traction. For neck pain, the use of a pulling device can reduce pressure and increase comfort and movement.

  • Manual therapy. Our therapists provide massage and manual manipulation of the spine to mobilize soft tissue, muscles, and joints. When a particular muscle can’t tolerate pain, the therapist often can mobilize it by stimulating nearby or opposing muscles.

Long-Term Rehabilitation with Physical Therapy

Rehabilitation centers around exercise and movement aimed at helping the patient gain the strength and range of motion needed to function normally. Our physical therapists design a plan, choosing from hundreds of exercise options for strengthening the upper back and neck (cervical region), mid-back (thoracic region), and lower back (lumbar region).

The plan includes gait evaluation and training; and depending on the patient’s condition and the particular muscle group, it might include isometric and/or isotonic exercises and employ closed-chain or open-chain techniques:

  • Gait training. We evaluate how each patient walks and how the back pain or injury affects the person’s movement or how improper walking exacerbates an injury or causes back pain. Our therapists teach proper movement and provide exercises to use at home or at work. They also prescribe home equipment, assistive devices, and other aids that assist in movement, such as rubber bands that help create muscle tension, self-traction units, lumbar postural rolls (special pillows) to assist in sitting, and self-help exercise books.

  • Isometrics. With isometric exercises, the muscles contract but don’t move. Examples include pushing the head against a hand or pressing part of the body against an immovable object such as a wall.

  • Isotonics. These include traditional forms of exercise in which the joints move against resistance, such as with the use of weight machines.

  • Closed-chain exercises. These exercises keep the body part or muscle group stationary, as with a squat where the feet remain fixed in place. This frequently used type of exercise provides stability and can also transfer easily to a patient’s daily routine.

  • Open-chain exercises. With this kind of exercise, the body moves without resistance, as with a leg lift. We use these less frequently because they aren’t as stable as closed-chain options.